Fig includes a framework for verifying setting values from within the UI. The setting verifications occur within the Fig API.
Verifications are defined in a dll file placed in a folder called 'plugins' within the base directory of the API.
The plugin definition must implement in the ISettingVerifier
interface which is defined in the Fig.Api.SettingVerification.Sdk
project. Verifiers can recieve the values of more than one setting which are passed in as a list of object params into the verifier.
Many verifications can be defined within the same assembly.
Fig comes with some built in plug in verifications including PingVerifier
and Rest200OkVerifier
[Verification("Rest200OkVerifier", nameof(WebsiteAddress))]
public class ProductService : SettingsBase
public override string ClientName => "ProductService";
[Setting("This is the address of a website", "")]
public string WebsiteAddress { get; set; }
public class Rest200OkVerifier : ISettingVerifier
public string Name => "Rest200OkVerifier";
public string Description =>
"Makes a GET request to the provided endpoint. " +
"Result is considered success if a status code 200 Ok response is received";
public VerificationResult RunVerification(params object[] parameters)
if (parameters.Length != 1 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameters[0] as string))
return VerificationResult.IncorrectParameters();
var result = new VerificationResult();
var uri = parameters[0] as string;
using HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
result.AddLog($"Performing get request to address: {uri}");
var requestResult = client.GetAsync(uri).Result;
if (requestResult.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
result.Message = "Succeeded";
result.Success = true;
return result;
result.AddLog($"Request failed. {requestResult.StatusCode}. {requestResult.ReasonPhrase}");
result.Message = $"Failed with response: {requestResult.StatusCode}";
return result;